
Prof. Dr. Ondřej Lebeda


doc. Ing. Ondřej Lebeda, Ph.D.
Workplace:   Department of Radiopharmaceuticals
Position:   head of department
Phone:   +420 266 172 136
Fax:   +420 220 941 002
Address:   Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS
Řež 130
250 68 Husinec-Řež
Czech Republic

Current Projects

  • Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, project no. 17-13721-S (2017–2019)
    Title: Copper Isotopes and New Theranostics
    Position: Project co-ordinator

Completed Projects

  • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project no. TA02010797 (2012–2014)
    Title: Labelling of recombinant antibody fragments with use of microfluidic systems
    Position: Project co-ordinator and key person
  • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project no. TA03010315 (2013–2015)
    Title: FCB-fluorine conversion box
    Position: Project manager and key person
  • Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, bilateral project no. M100481201 (2012–2014)
    Title: Evaluation of bioconjugated fragments of monoclonal antibodies Nimotuzumab and Trastuzumab labelled with innovative radionuclides for oncological diagnostics
    Position: Principal investigator
  • International Atomic Energy Agency, project no. 16667 (2011–2014)
    Title: Measurement of the unknown excitation functions of the (3He,xn) reactions on monoisotopic elements and their comparison with the results of model calculations
    Position: Principal investigator (till 2012), team member (since 2012)
  • International Atomic Energy Agency, project no. 17461 (2012–2015), part of CRP
    Title: Evaluation of the available experimental cross-sections for cyclotron monitoring and medical radionuclides and new measurements of selected excitation functions
    Position: Principal investigator
  • Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, project no. P203/12/1896 (2012–2016)
    Title: Czech Participation in International Neutrino Experiment KATRIN
    Position: Team member

Curriculum vitae

1991-1996 Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University, studies of nuclear chemistry
1996 MSc. in nuclear chemistry (Diploma Thesis Production of 211At for nuclear medicine purposes)
1996-2002 student at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University, trained at the Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR
1997 Short collaboration with Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland on 211At
1998-1999 Department of Biomedical Radiation Sciences of the Uppsala University (Sweden), long-term collaboration on 211At labelled compounds
2002 Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry (dissertation Cyclotron production of 81Rb and 211At and their use in nuclear medicine, supervisor Dr. Miroslav Fišer), junior researcher at the Nuclear Physics Institute
2004-now Teacher at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (Production of Radionuclides, Radiopharmaceuticals)
2004-now Long-term collaboration with the Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe
2006-now Qualified person in production of pharmaceuticals
2007-now Supply of calibration radionuclides for projects KATRIN and XENON
2009-2010 Head of the research group RAF2 in the Department of radiopharmaceuticals
2010-now Head of the department of radiopharmaceuticals, member of the project KATRIN, elected member of the Council of the Nuclear Physics Institute, appointed member of the Czech Pharmacopoiea Commission, collaboration with ACSI on cyclotron production of 99mTc
2011 Appointed member of the Group 14 Radioactive Compounds of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission
2012 Received a degree of Associate Professor of Nuclear Chemistry at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (Conferment treatise Measurement of excitation functions of heavy charged particles nuclear reactions)
2012-now Appointed member of Scientific Council of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering

Fields of expertise

  • excitation functions and radionuclides production, cyclotron target systems, R&D of radiopharmaceuticals, quality control of radiopharmaceuticals


Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Nuclear Methods and Instruments in Physics Research B, Journal of Labeled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research