
NPI Logo

The logo is the basic element of the visual identity of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS (NPI). Therefore, certain rules must be observed when using it.

General rules for using the logo

  1. The logo of the NPI may only be used in connection with research, events, documents, etc. that are produced in direct cooperation with and with the knowledge of the NPI.

  2. The Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS reserves the right to control the use of the logo and to request its removal if the use of the logo damages its reputation.

Rules for graphic design

  1. The logo of the NPI must not be deformed, slanted, rotated or discoloured when used.

  2. When using the NPI logo, it is necessary to maintain a safe zone (minimum recommended safe space) around the logo of a quarter of the height of the logo in the vertical direction or a quarter of the width of the logo in the horizontal direction. No text or other graphics may encroach on this space between the edge of the safe area and the logo itself.

How to get NPI logo?

Please request it by e-mail at