
How to reach NPI


Public transportation from station Kobylisy (near station of metro „C Kobylisy“) bus no. 371 go to final station Husinec Řež závod.
Time schledule


Station Masarykovo nádraží (near station of metro „B Náměstí republiky“) direction to Kralupy nad Vltavou, get off on the station Řež.
Time schledule: Train Praha-Řež and back


From centre of Prague direction to town Teplice (highway D8), than use exit Zdiby, Klíčany. On the first cross turn right, go under highway straight on about 0,5 km than turn left and than go about 5km to Řež.
GPS: N 50°10.65485', E 14°21.50460'