
RNDr. Václav Voseček

Date and place of birth: 4. 5. 1950, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic


1968-1973 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Specialization - Solid state physics
1981 RNDr.

Professional experience

1975-1988 Nuclear Research Institute, Řež
X-Ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy
1988-now Neutron Physics Department of Nuclear Physics Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences, Rez near Prague
Van de Graaff and Tandetron accelerator operating, high-energy ion beam analysis of solid surface (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy, Elastic Recoil Analysis, Particle Induced X-ray Emission).

Major scientific interests

  • Evaluating of samples in air polution monitoring, developing analytical methods and upgrading of Van de Graaff facilities

Recent publications

2004 Havranek V, Kucera J, Randa Z, Vosecek V: Comparsion of fluorine determination in biological and enviromental samples by NAA, PAA and PIXE, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 259(2) (2004) 325-329
2000 Hnatowitz V, Perina V, Havranek V, Vosecek V, Novotny J, Vacik J, Svorcik V, Rybka V, Kluge A: Degradation of polyimide and polyethyleneterephtalate irradiated with 150 and 200 keV Ar+ ions, studied by RBS and ERD techniques, Nucl. Ins. Meth. B161:(2000) 1099-1103
1999 Havranek V, Kucera J, Horakova J, Vosecek V, Smolik J, Schwarz J, Sykorova I: Matrix effects in PIXE analysis of aerosols and ashes, Biological Trace Element Research 71-2 (1999) 431-442