
HYP2022 conference

hyp2022-logoup 14th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange  Particle Physics

 June 27 – July 1, 2022
 Prague, Czech Republic

Photo: Dalibor Skoupil


The HYP2022 conference is over. It was attended by 160 participants; more than 2/3 of them took part in person, the rest participated in the conference online. The Local Organizing Committee thanks all the participants for their invaluable contribution to its program and form.

The next, 15th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics will be held in Japan in 2025.

The files with presentations have been uploaded to the Indico page.

The 14th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, HYP2022, took place in Prague, Czech Republic from June 27 to July 1, 2022. It was the next conference in a series that started in Heidelberg (1982), followed then by conferences at Brookhaven (1985), Padova (1988), Shimoda (1991), Vancouver (1994), Brookhaven (1997), Torino (2000), JLab (2003), Mainz (2006), Tokai (2009), Barcelona (2012), Sendai (2015), and Norfolk/Portsmouth (2018).

Topics discussed at the conference included:

  • Production, structure and decay of hypernuclei
  • Multistrange systems
  • Strangeness and hypernuclei in elementary reactions and nuclear collisions
  • Interactions of mesons and baryons with strangeness
  • Strangeness in hadron structure
  • Strange mesons in nuclei
  • Strange exotic atoms
  • Strangeness in astrophysics and in extreme forms of matter
  • Heavy flavor systems
  • Future experiments and facilities

Invited speakers: 

N. Barnea, Jin-Hui Chen, T. Doi, E. Epelbaum, A. Feijoo, E. Friedman, A. Gal, D. Gazda, T. Gogami, Feng-Kun Guo, J. Haidenbauer, E. Hiyama, T. Hyodo, M. Illa, Y. Kamiya, I. Kisel, Hoai Le, Yue-Hang Leung, Yue Ma, D. Mihaylov, K. Miwa, S.N. Nakamura, K. Nakazawa, T. Niida, J. Óbertová, K. Ozawa, P. Pauli, K. Piscicchia, J. Pochodzalla, M. Puccio, À. Ramos, T. Saito, F. Sakuma, M. Schäfer, H.-J. Schulze, S. Spies, H. Tamura, L. Tang, K. Tanida, M. Ukai, O. Vázquez Doce, I. Vidaña, W. Weise, N. Wickramaarachchi, T. Yamaga, T.O. Yamamoto, N. Zachariou, H. Zbroszczyk, J. Zmeskal

The HYP2022 conference was hosted by:

The HYP2022 conference was supported by THEIA-STRONG2020, CAAS, BNL-CZ, CERN-CZ, and FAIR-CZ.

As a pre-conference event, the XXXI Indian-Summer School of Physics was held at the FNSPE CTU in Prague from June 24 through June 26, 2022.



Local Organizing Committee

  • J. Bielčíková, P. Bydžovský, A. Cieplý, D. Gazda, F. Křížek, J. Mareš, P. Tlustý (NPI Řež)
  • J. Bielčík, J. Óbertová; B. Tomášik (FNSPE CTU in Prague)


Nuclear Physics Institute
Czech Academy of Sciences

Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague

International Advisory Committee

E. Botta (Torino), T. Bressani (Torino), H. Caines (Yale), C. Curceanu (Frascati), L. Fabbietti (Munich), A. Feliciello (Torino), A. Gal (Jerusalem), B. F. Gibson (Los Alamos), J. Haidenbauer (Juelich), E. Hiyama (Tohoku), T. Kishimoto (Osaka), H. Lenske (Giessen), Yu-Gang Ma (Shanghai), J. Mareš (Řež), D. J. Millener (BNL), T. Motoba (Osaka), T. Nagae (Kyoto), S. N. Nakamura (Tohoku), H. Noumi (RCNP), M. Oka (Tokyo), E. Oset (Valencia), A. Parreño (Barcelona), J. Pochodzalla (Mainz), À. Ramos (Barcelona), R. Schumacher (CMU), H. Tamura (Tohoku), L. Tang (Hampton), I. Vidaña (Catania), T. Yamazaki (Tokyo), Shi-Lin Zhu (Beijing), Bing-Song Zou (Beijing)


1st circular (pdf)

2nd circular (pdf)

3rd circular (pdf)

Poster (pdf)


Scientific program

Address: Jiri Mares – HYP2022
Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS
250 68 Rez
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 266 173 283

Registration and information – secretariat of the conference

Address: AMCA, spol. s r. o.
Academic and Medical Conference Agency
Vyšehradská 320/49
128 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 731 496 062



Scientific program

The scientific program of the HYP2022 conference comprizes invited and contributed talks in the plenary and parallel sessions, and contributed papers in the poster session. The timetable of the conference can be found here: HYP2022 Timetable.

The registration desk in the conference center of hotel Pyramida will be open on Sunday, June 26, between 18:00 and 20:00, and then on Monday, June 27, from 7:30.

The speakers are kindly asked to upload their talks at least one session ahead through the Indico website.

The authors of the on-site posters are expected to post their posters on the assigned boards in the conference center during Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, including the lunch break. The maximal size of a poster is A0 portrait; authors are expected to come with their posters printed.

Instruction for the online talks and posters have been sent directly to the presenters by email.

Social program

The HYP2022 participants and accompanying persons are cordially invited to the following events:


Participants and contributions

Contributions List

List of participants

Name Surname Institution City Country
Patrick Achenbach Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Mainz Germany
Takaya Akaishi Osaka University toyonaka Japan
Takeru Akiyama Tohoku University Sendai Miyagi Japan
Chandrasekhar Akondi Florida State University Tallahassee USA
Mirko Bagnarol The Racah Institute of Physics Jerusalem Israel
Yuliia Balkova Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach (University of Silesia in Katowice) Katowice Poland
Nir Barnea The Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel
Daniel Battistini Technische Universität München München Germany
Betzalel Bazak The Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel
Jaroslav Bielcik FJFI CVUT Praha Czech Republic
Jana Bielčíková Nuclear Physics Institute, CAS Řež Czech Republic
Elena Botta Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Torino Italy
Alexander Botvina ITP Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany
Peter Bruns Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS Řež Czech Republic
Stefania Bufalino Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Torino Torino Italy
Petr Bydzovsky Nuclear Physics Institute Prague Czech Republic
Petr Chaloupka Czech Technical Univeristy in Prague Praha 6 Czech Republic
Jinhui Chen Fudan University Shanghai China
Lukáš Chlad Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS Řež Czech Republic
Aleš Cieplý Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences Řež Czech Republic
Madhumita Dhar Cooch Behar Government Engineering College Cooch Behar India
Ayanabha Das Czech Technical University in Prague Prague Czech Republic
Daria Denisova Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Řež Czech Republic
Janik Ditzel Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany
Benjamin Doenigus Goethe-University Frankfurt Frankfurt Germany
Takumi Doi RIKEN Wako Japan
Kengo Ebata Kyoto University Tokai, Ibaraki prefecture Japan
Philipp Eckert Institute of Nuclear Physics Mainz Mainz Germany
Hiroyuki Ekawa RIKEN Wako Japan
Evgeny Epelbaum Institut für Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum Germany
Samuel Escrig López Instituto de Estructura de la Materia - CSIC Madrid Spain
Waleed Esmail GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Jülich Germany
Laura Fabbietti Technische Universität München Munich Germany
Albert Feijoo IFIC (Institut de Física Corpuscular UV-CSIC) Valencia Spain
Alessandro Feliciello Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Torino Torino Italy
Eliahu Friedman Racah Inst. Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Jerusalem Israel
Hiroyuki Fujioka Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Japan
Manami Fujita Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tokai Japan
Tomokazu Fukuda Osaka EC/RIKEN Kobe Japan
Avraham Gal Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem Israel
Franco Garibaldi INFN Roma1 Roma Italy
Daniel Gazda Nuclear Physics Institute, CAS Řež Czech Republic
Benjamin Gibson Los Alamos National Lab Los Alamos US
Toshiyuki Gogami Kyoto University Kyoto Japan
Philipp Gubler Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tokai-mura, Ibaraki Japan
Feng-Kun Guo Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China
Johann Haidenbauer Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH Juelich Germany
Toru Harada Osaka Electro-Communication University Osaka Japan
Takeshi K. Harada Kyoto University, Japan Tokai village Japan
Michael Hartung Institut für Kernphysik, Goethe Universität Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany
Tadashi Hashimoto Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tokai-mura Japan
Shuhei Hayakawa Tohoku University Sendai, Miyagi Japan
Benedict Heybeck Goethe-University Frankfurt Frankfurt Germany
Emiko Hiyama Department of Physics, Tohoku Univ. Sendai Japan
Tetsuo Hyodo Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo Japan
Yudai Ichikawa Japan Atomic Energy Agency Ibaraki Japan
Marc Illa Subina University of Washington Seattle USA
Yuji Ishikawa Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Kosuke Itabashi Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Thomas Jude The University of Bonn Bonn Germany
Kento Kamada Tohoku University Miyagi Japan
Yuki Kamiya Bonn University Bonn Germany
Ayumi Kasagi RIKEN, Gifu Univ. Wako City Japan
Tomona Kinugawa Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo Japan
Ivan Kisel Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Frankfurt am Main Germany
Hristijan Kochankovski Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio (IEEC-CSIC) Barcelona Spain
Leszek Kosarzewski FJFI ČVUT Prague Czech Republic
Filip Krizek Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS Rez Czech Republic
Andrej Kugler Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Rez Czech Republic
Rafał Lalik UJ Kraków Kraków Poland
Hoai Le Thi Forschungszentrum Juelich Jülich Germany
Ramona Lea University of Brescia and INFN Pavia Brescia Italy
Maria Leibelt Technische Universität München Eching Germany
Horst Lenske Univ. Giessen Giessen Germany
Yue Hang Leung Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Pleasant Hill USA
Phyo Myat Lin Gifu University Gifu Japan
Juris Ilgonis Lukstinš   Riga Latvia
Yue Ma RIKEN Wako Japan
Volodymyr Magas University of Barcelona, Spain Barcelona Spain
Valentina Mantovani Sarti TUM München Germany
Georgios Mantzaridis Technical University of Munich (TUM) Garching Germany
Jiri Mares Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Rez Czech Republic
Carlos Merino Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Santiago de Compostela Spain
Olena Mezhenska Czech Technical University in Prague Prague Czech Republic
Dimitar Mihaylov TUM Munich Germany
Koji Miwa Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Zuzana Moravcova Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen Denmark
Toshio Motoba RCNP, Osaka University, Osaka E-C University Ibaraki, Osaka Japan
Tomofumi Nagae Kyoto University Kyoto Japan
Manami Nakagawa RIKEN Wako Japan
Satoshi N. Nakamura The University of Tokyo Tokyo Japan
Kazuma Nakazawa Gifu University Gifu Japan
Takuya Nanamura Kyoto University Kyoto Japan
Takafumi Niida University of Tsukuba Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan
Takuma Nishibuchi Tokyo Metropolitan University Fujisawa-shi, Kameino, Japan
Hiroyuki Noumi Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University Ibaraki Japan
Jaroslava Obertova Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS & FNSPE CTU Rez/Prague Czech Republic
Akira Ohnishi Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University Kyoto Japan
Makoto Oka Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tokai Japan
Kazuki Okuyama Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Eulogio Oset IFIC University of Valencia-CSIC Valencia Spain
Fumiya Oura Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Kyoichiro Ozawa KEK, IPNS Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan
Subhadip Pal FJFI CVUT Prague Czech Republic
Bishnu Pandey Hampton University Hampton USA
Michael Papenbrock Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden
Assumpta Parreño University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain
Peter Pauli University of Glasgow Glasgow UK
Diana Pawlowska Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics Warsaw Poland
Dimitrios Petrellis Nuclear Physics Institute - Czech Academy of Sciences Prague Czech Republic
Kristian Piscicchia Enrico Fermi Research Center, LNF (INFN) Rome Italy
Josef Pochodzalla Institut für Kernphysik Mainz Germany
Maximiliano Puccio CERN Meyrin Switzerland
Angels Ramos University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain
Christophe Rappold Instituto de Estructura de la Materia - CSIC Madrid Spain
Xiu-Lei Ren Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Mainz Germany
Wioleta Rzęsa Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw Poland
Takehiko Saito RIKEN Wako Japan
Tamao Sakao Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Fuminori Sakuma RIKEN Wako Japan
Hans-Josef Schulze INFN Catania Frascati Italy
Reinhard Schumacher Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh USA
Falk Schupp Helmholtz Institute Mainz Mainz Germany
Martin Schäfer Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem Israel
Laura Šerkšnytė Technical Universitz of Munich Munich Germany
Tianhao Shao Fudan University Shanghai China
Nina Shevchenko Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Rez Czech Republic
Bhawani Singh Technical Univesity of Munich Munich Germany
Dalibor Skoupil Nuclear Physics Institute, CAS Prague Czech Republic
Weimin Song Jilin University Changchun China
Simon Spies Institute for Nuclear Physics Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany
Jirina Stone University of Oxford/University of Tennessee Oxford United Kingdom
Pawel Szymanski Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics Warsaw Poland
Hirokazu Tamura Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Liguang Tang Hampton University Hampton USA
Kiyoshi Tanida Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tokai Japan
Yusuke Tanimura Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Ibuki Terashima Tokyo Metropolitan University Hachioji city, Tokyo Japan
Pavel Tlustý Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Řež Czech Republic
Atsushi Tokiyasu ELPH, Tohoku University Sendai Japan
Laura Tolos Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio (IEEC-CSIC) Barcelona Spain
Boris Tomášik Fakulta prírodných vied, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Banská Bystrica Slovakia
Mifuyu Ukai KEK IPNS Tokai, Ibaraki Japan
Atsushi Umeya Nippon Institute of Technology Miyashiro-machi, Minamisaitama-gun, Saitama Pref. Japan
Guido Maria Urciuoli INFN Sezione di Roma Rome Italy
Oton Vazquez Doce INFN Frascati Frascati (RM) Italy
Simone Velardita TU Darmstadt Institut für Kernphysik Darmstadt Germany
Petr Veselý Nuclear Physics Institute CAS Prague Czech Republic
Isaac Vidana Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Catania Italy
Wolfram Weise Technical University of Munich Garching Germany
Nilanga Wickramaarachchi The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. USA
Takumi Yamaga RIKEN Saitama Japan
Takeshi O. Yamamoto JAEA Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibarak Japan
Nicholas Zachariou University of York York United Kingdom
Hanna Zbroszczyk Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw Poland
Yapeng Zhang Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Lanzhou China
Xian-Rong Zhou East China Normal University Shanghai China
Johann Zmeskal Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics Vienna Austria





Conference photos



The proceedings of the HYP2022 conference were published online as Open Access in
EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 271 (2022).