The main goal of the project is to establish a consortium, Center Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics (CENAP) between three partners - Nuclear Physics Institute (NPI CAS), Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of the Czech Technical University (IEAP CTU) and Silesian University in Opava (SU) concentrated on fundamental research in the fields of experimental nuclear physics related to experimental nuclear astrophysics, neutrino physics, dark matter and study of hadron properties inside medium in extreme conditions.The goal of the proposal is to strengthen direct cooperation with partners from abroad based on a long-term reciprocity due to using of Center facilities in the Czech Republic as well as to facilitate cooperation in above mentioned fields between participating institutions. One can expect that by joining scientific, technical and pedagogical capacities of the partners into proposed Center for fundamental research in experimental nuclear astrophysics and nuclear physics will make such research significantly more effective.
Project number: LC07050
Duration: 1. 4. 2007 - 31. 12. 2012
Partner´s web page: utef.cvut.cz/archive/en/index3220-2.html?&Ns=105&id=1000029&mt=-1&cas=1
Project LC07050 is supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic (2007-2011)
Research Topics
- Astrophysical Nuclear Reactions
- Detection of dark matter - PICASSO
- Detection of cosmic rays - CZELTA
- Measurement of the neutrino mass by single beta decay - KATRIN
- Double-beta decay studies - experiments TGV, NEMO and Super NEMO
- Study of hadron properties inside nuclear matter in extreme conditions - HADES
- Experimental study of nuclear structure
Organization structure of CENAP
Coordinator (NPI Řež), responsible for the whole project:
- Kugler Andrej
Leader at each participating institutions:
- Kugler Andrej (Řež),
Štekl Ivan (Prague),
Lichard Peter (Opava)
Leaders of research teams:
- Dragoun Otokar,
Granja Carlos,
Kroha Václav,
Kugler Andrej,
Lichard Peter,
Pospíšil Stanislav,
Smolek Karel,
Štekl Ivan,
Vénos Drahoslav
Board of CENAP
- Blümer Johannes Prof. Dr. - Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and Universität Karlsruhe
- Dobeš Jan Ing. CSc. - NPI CAS,
- Kugler Andrej RNDr. CSc. - NPI CAS,
- Leroy Claude Prof. - University of Montreal,
- Lichard Peter Prof. Ing. DrSc. - Silesian University Opava,
- Pinfold James Prof. - University of Alberta,
- Piquemal Fabrice Dr. - Centre d`Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux Gradignan,
- Pospíšil Stanislav Ing. DrSc. - Czech Technical University Prague,
- Rancoita Pier Giorgio Prof. - INFN Seyione di Milano,
- Stroth Joachim Prof. Dr. - Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt,
- Stuchlík Zdeněk Prof. RNDr. CSc. - Silesian University Opava,
- Suk Michal Prof. RNDr. DrSc. - Charles University,
- Štekl Ivan Doc. Ing. CSc. - Czech Technical University Prague,
- Wilhelm Ivan Prof. Ing. CSc. - Charles University
Role of the Board
- appraisal of research tasks and obtained results
- setting of future research priorities
- review of effectiveness of usage of CENAP financial resources
Meetings: 2 times per year
Participating institutions:
Outreach: Centre of Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics
Project supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic (2007-2011)
- In the Czech TV, October 24, 2005;
- October 21, 2006 in the newspaper Lidove noviny
- October 13, 2006 in the newspaper Pravo (there is no archive available).
- November 7, 2006, a one hour relation was devoted to the KATRIN project in the Czech radio station Leonardo. (Some relevant photos are here.)
- December 4, 2006, another paper on the project KATRIN was issued in the Czech Internet daily 'Nevititelny pes'.
- December 8, 2006 - in Lidove noviny again - appeared an information about successful arrival of the main spectrometer to FzK.
- The same day the station Leonardo broadcasted nine-minute "per phone" interview with O. Dragoun to the same topic.
- Otokar Dragoun (29.1.2008) presented KATRIN during one hour long interview at radio station Leonardo
- Otokar Dragoun (2. 2. 2008) presented KATRIN during interview at Radio Prague
- In czech language: The strongest force or how experiment HADES studies changes of hadron properties in very hot and dense medium (published in popular journal Vesmír, 2007, No.12)